Michael Burden
Leader of Information Literacy and InnovationSt Clare's College
The girls at my school can use them for our "Space Project Cities on Mars"! Girls are not scared of using asoftware like Block42. It is fantastic!
Russell Cairns
Microsoft Innovative Innovator Expert; STEAM Coach & Digital Technologies Teacher K8 at NSW Department of Education
You have a superstar product! Kids at my school are loving it! It certainly makes it easier for me to teach that we had you to support in the first couple of classes. My kids are so engaged and collaborative in the classes now.
Dr Bronwen Wade
STEAM Ahead Australia
The value you bring to children and young people is incredible. Creative and critical thinking, and design thinking are really important 21 st Century skills. Our society needs more creators!
looking for PROFESSIONAL
Professional Training (NESA ENDORSED pd)
From 200
We provide training to K-12 teachers to learn how to use Block 42 3D design and animation tool, plan a lesson that integrates Block42 as an ICT tool using knowledge of curriculum to make selected content relevant and meaningful and engage both female and male students particularly in ICT, Media Arts, and STEAM learning.
Completing 'Gamification in STEAM - 3D animation for design, computational and creative thinking' will contribute 7 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Registered PD addressing 3.3.2; 2.6.2;4.5.2;5.2.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
Completing online 'Gamification in STEAM - 3D animation for design, computational and creative thinking' will contribute 3 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Registered PD addressing 6.2.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.